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Brandon Tucker Instrument, ASEL, A&P, Helicopter Hoist Operator. "I just picked up my instrument rating and wanted to see our beautiful country from the skies. I, too, am an aircraft mechanic and when it came to the purchase of my Cherokee 180--nicknamed "Digit" after my daughter-- the paperwork was sorted out and available for me to review online prior to my arrival. Also, the aircraft was cleaned, annual'd, with "24 months" checks completed with adequate time to enjoy the plane before getting them redone. My 180, with a Garmin 430 WAAS, single axis autopilot has taken me across the US, up and down the California coast, Lake Tahoe, and Catalina. And I look forward to the more places I'll be flying her to. Aircraft Solutions were thorough, professional and welcoming. They even booked an instructor for me to test flight the aircraft to get accustomed to the systems. "

- Brandon Tucker Instrument, ASEL, A&P, Helicopter Hoist Operator.

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